Meaningful Coincidences have always been a common denominator across most of the major turning points in my life. In trying to articulate and make sense of it all, I saw how many of the words used to describe meaningful coincidences were being used interchangeably and often mistakenly so. Studying the difference between serendipity and synchronicity led me to Bernard Beitman’s research, which I think makes a valuable contribution to the topography of coincidences. Having such clarity of concepts allows us to pursue better research and make practical applications to our daily life, businesses, and faith.
As a researcher, I’ve studied entrepreneurial social networks and the process of building social capital. I’ve led prestigious global startup programs and as an entrepreneur, I’m currently engaged in building technology that can enable synchronistic connections that drive innovation. Having lived and worked across Latin America, Europe and the Middle East, I’ve spent many years studying entrepreneurial ecosystems and believe synchronicity has a major role to play in the near future. I am the founder of Cyncrocity, a portal where entrepreneurs can get plugged in to global innovation ecosystems.
Podcast: Synchronicity and Global Innovation Ecosystems: Diego Sandoval, EP 293