Cynthia Cavalli

My experiences with the phenomenon of synchronicity and meaningful coincidences were so positive and deeply transformative that I feel grateful and privileged to support exploration of this area of study in any way possible! The Coincidence Project offers me the chance to further this cause in collaboration with passionate, like-minded colleagues and friends.

BIO: Cynthia Cavalli, Ph.D. is an executive leadership coach and organizational transformation consultant. Her educational background includes degrees in physics, business administration, and human systems. Her corporate experience includes nearly 30 years in aerospace engineering, project management, and strategy development. After extensive Jungian analysis, she began incorporating the principles of synchronicity and symbolism from dreams and mythology into her coaching practice. Dr. Cavalli is passionate about the deep interconnectedness of all things, and offers seminars and workshops weaving together insights from complexity science and ancient wisdom traditions.  She strives to facilitate personal and organizational transformation, and help people navigate disruptive life events through deep inner work.


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