Music & Meaningful Coincidences @Coincidence Cafe, July 2023
July 15, 2023

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In this session of our monthly series, co-hosts Bernard Beitman and Greg Fitting explore music and meaningful coincidences, providing examples of many types of musical synchronicities, and inviting attendees to share their own stories and reflections. Musical coincidences can be as simple as saying a name aloud, and moments later hearing the song of that same name play on a radio, or they can be complex and woven over years of our lives.
More about our Co-host, Greg Fitting: Greg has been a Cafe regular for the past two years. Most of the major events in his life unfolded because he picked up the guitar and formed a rock n’ roll band. Musical coincidences link to many of his major life events. Greg also led internal audit departments in the retail industry for 35 years, and brings his analytical mindset to the examination of meaningful coincidences, the rhythm of the universe, guardians/guides, vortexes, numerology and astrology. Greg is currently writing a book on this subject.
More about our Co-host Bernard Beitman, MD: Bernie is the Founder and Board President of The Coincidence Project. He is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the author of the 2022 book, Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen. Further details about Bernie are HERE.
About This Series: The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). Each Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity with new hosts each month, with time given for each person to share stories together in small groups. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.