who are we?
TCP: A Global Nonprofit
Our Philosophy
We are all connected – humans, plants, animals, and the earth live in an interconnected and interdependent web. Meaningful coincidences illuminate this interconnectedness.
Illuminating the Invisible Currents that Connect and Unify Us.
Our Mission is to educate the public about meaningful coincidences and to encourage people to share their stories of meaningful coincidences, serendipity and synchronicity, in order to inspire a leap forward in the evolution of human self-awareness: individually, interpersonally and collectively. We accomplish this mission through research and hosting gatherings, seminars, and discussion groups both online and in person.
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TCP Blog
Exploring and Investigating Dimensions of Coincidence, Synchronicity & Serendipity
Astrology, The Persistent Synchronicity
In June, 2024 I joined The Coincidence Project as part of the TCP Speaker Series, delivering a longer talk with the same title as this post. I invite those who are interested in delving deeper to view the replay of this talk on the TCP YouTube channel, HERE. This post helps to break down my […]
Spiritual Connectedness with the More-than-Human World
Amazing connections with the animals around us are possible when we stay open and permit them to occur. Blog guest author Veronica Noechel has also served as a Coincidence Cafe Co-host, for the session dedicated to “Animal Communication, Connection & Synchronicity” (VIEW REPLAY). It was Christmas Eve and the three of us sat together on […]
Story Forum
We invite you to join our global community by sharing your own story of a meaningful coincidence. It could be wondrous, funny, curious, unexplained, deeply profound, or anything in between! If you have more than one story to share, please create a separate story entry for each. Each story is limited to a maximum of 300 words.
Diana Sims
Spiritual Awakening
I was on the verge of a manic episode when I had a spiritual moment. I had al...
Ovidiu Minciunescu
Two Coincidence Stories
I have around three coincidences per day. I try to ignore them, but I’m happy...
Dimitra Vasileiou
A Dream of Betrayal Comes True
In 2020, I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend. First, a bit about him: He was ...
Amanda Wade
My Life Was Saved By a Phone Call
A couple of years ago, I was experiencing significant pain near my ear. I wen...
Leon Warner
I Was Only Joking!
It was the summer of 1981. My friends Jim, Ron, Kevin, and myself were dri...
Trish McNeal
Let It Be
When my husband passed away, I was overwhelmed with...
Jeff Sties
Validation on the Rez
In 1990, as the U.S. prepared for the Gulf War, I e...
Casey Gauntt
Lost and Found: A Father’s Letter
In 1968, after graduating high school in Chicago, I...
Sarah McCraw
The Four-Leaf Clover That Changed My Life
At 19, I was navigating the chaos of what I now recognize as a spiritual awak...
June Li
Chinese Red Lantern: A Joyful Coincidence
For over a decade, I’ve observed synchronicities—meaningful coincidences that...
Carolyn NorthStrauss
A Chance Encounter with a Bass Flute Master
Before traveling to India in 1968, I discovered a recording by an Indian bass...
cheryl flanagan
A “Roll” of Fortune
I was struggling financially to finish a remodel, barely scraping by. On my w...
David Stauffer
One in 5 Trillion (Your Afterlife Connections May Vary)
One night, I followed self-mediumship instructions from Suzanne Giesemann’s Y...
Jerome Houde
Angel Above
A few weeks ago, I shared with my teenage daughter an amazing photo I had tak...