Number Synchronicities: Exploring the Mysteries of Meaningful Number Patterns @August Cafe

August 17, 2024

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Have you ever encountered numbers, either a single number or a sequence of digits, that seemed to appear—suddenly—over and over? Maybe you’ve come to rely on “lucky numbers,” or perhaps you’ve experienced a certain pattern of digits that seemed, somehow, to signify a significant personal shift? Please join Brian Carr and Tugce Tasci, our Café co-hosts this month, as we delve into the mysteries and potential meanings of number-related synchronicities. Of course, we’ll be “counting” on you, too: be ready to share your own stories and reflections!

Register now for this session of the Coincidence Café monthly series:

About Our Hosts: Brian Carr is an aspiring meta-physicist, who has been exploring the realms of metaphysics and parapsychology for almost twenty years. Tugce Tasci is a “Scientist in Body, Futurist in Mind, Dreamer in Spirit.”