Signs, Synchronicities and Guidance @Coincidence Cafe, January 2024

January 20, 2024

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In this session of the Coincidence Cafe, we’ll explore Signs and Synchronicities: How to See, Interpret and Use Guidance from All Around Us. Our co-hosts Liliane and David Fortna experience synchronicity all around them: with nature, with other people, in unexpected opportunities–and they find that in life “we are never really alone.” They have also studied how blockages to meaningful coincidences arise and how to remove them (as explored in Liliane’s book, Winks from Above), so that we can be part of the full flow and potential of synchronicity. 

There are little miracles all around us on a daily basis, although we can easily miss them if we are not aware, or if we are blocked in some way. Join us to explore the variety of ways that we can experience synchronicity and how to recognize and resolve the blocks to them that can occur. 

About Our Co-Hosts

Liliane Fortna: Liliane is a multi-international Gold medal award winning, bestselling author for her transformational nonfiction book, “Winks from Above: Opening Up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day”. She is also an energy healer and Reiki master/trainer.

David Fortna: David is a consciousness explorer and mindfulness practioner. He is a retired US Air Force colonel and NATO staff officer with extensive experience in worldwide humanitarian and disaster relief operations.

The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). At Coincidence Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity, with new hosts each month. We make time during each session to share our own stories together in small groups, inspired by the topic that month. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

Register now for the Coincidence Cafe Monthly Series: