Synchronicity for Building Resilience @Coincidence Cafe, November, 2023
November 18, 2023
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In this Café session, Julian Gresser and Bill Moulton will describe how Meaningful Coincidences, Synchronicity, and Serendipity (CSS) enable and also reflect the degree of resilience in our communities. They will share examples from their own lives, and provide time for participants to discuss these ideas and share their own examples of how meaningful coincidences help to cultivate resilience, for individuals and communities. This monthly series is free and open to all, with registration required:
Julian and Bill are currently developing a Collaborative Learning Platform to enable individuals, organizations, and communities to acquire the essential tools, skills, and metrics to develop resilience in meeting climate turbulence, global conflict, urban dystopia, and other 21st century “wicked” challenges.
About Out Co-Hosts
Julian Gresser is an international environmental lawyer, professional negotiator, explorer, inventor, and recognized expert on Japan. He has been twice Mitsubishi Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School, a visiting professor at MIT, Doshisha University (Japan) and Beijing University, and an adviser to the U.S. State Department, the Prime Minister’s Office of Japan, the World Bank, and hundreds of international companies. In 2019 Julian Gresser returned to the practice of international, environmental, and public interest law, and is today among a few attorneys in the world who are challenging the onslaught of radiation emitting wireless devices and the invasion of the Heavens by hundreds of low orbiting non-geostationary satellites. His autobiography How the Leopard Changed Its Spots—Evolutionary Values for an Age in Crisis (learn more) was published in May 2023 and will be an essential reference for an online “living” course on Resilient Communities to be launched in 2024.
Bill Moulton is a seasoned inventor, engineer, and manager of advanced tech development for industrial and consumer markets, integrating numeric and symbolic AI sciences to deliver adaptive synthetic cognition solutions in mission critical and consumer applications.
The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). At Coincidence Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity, with new hosts each month. We make time during each session to share our own stories together in small groups, inspired by the topic that month. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Register now for the Coincidence Cafe Monthly Series: