Synchronicity, Spirituality and Thriving


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Presenters: Lisa Buksbaum and Chris Mackey

 Synchronistic experiences can help us relate to a spiritual dimension in life, with significant health benefits. Spirituality can be found in nature, music, or the awe-inspiring moments in everyday life. In these turbulent times, learning to cultivate and rely on synchronicity can enhance your wellbeing in meaningful and tangible ways. Join Coincidence Project board members and positive psychology thought leaders Lisa Honig Buksbaum, CEO & Founder, Soaringwords and Chris Mackey, MA, Clinical and Counseling Psychologist for a thought-provoking, interactive workshop. Lisa and Chris are authors, podcast hosts, and speakers who will share synchronicity stories from their lives and the clients they serve with reference to the positive psychology research findings that support the enhanced health outcomes. You’ll experience the transformative power of synchronistic experiences with a breakout exercise in small groups and Q&A with the presenters.