Personal development
“The Celestine Prophecy” (2006), directed by Armand Mastroianni.
A “Spider Woman” Synchronicity and a Poem, on Blog of Lauren Raine, MFA
Aldridge, Adele (2012, 2018, 2020, 2021). I Ching Meditations: A Woman’s Book of Changes, Volumes 1-4.
Be Here Now Network
Buksbaum, Lisa (2022). SOARING into Strength,
Can Mindfulness Enhance Synchronicity?, with guest Juliet Trail, on Connecting with Coincidence
Chopra, Deepak (2008). Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles.
Closer to Truth
Connecting with Coincidence Podcast (All Episodes) with host Bernard Beitman.
Decision Point I Ching (All Videos) with Mary Kay Landon
Falco, Howard (2010). I AM: The Power Of Discovering Who You Really Are.
Fuller, Jenna M (2015). The Secret Language of Synchronicity: Deciphering the Words & Wisdom of Meaningful Coincidence.
Green, Brian (2020). Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe.
Grout, Pam (2013). E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.
Guide to Synchronicity with guest Amelia Aeon Karris, on Fade to Black.
Harris, Lee (2019). Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit On Living, Loving and Awakening.
Hendricks, Gay (2009). The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level.
Humble-U Media
I Ching Meditations, by Adele Aldrich.
Ibid (2004). The Spontaneous Fullfillment of Desire.
Ibid (2014). E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig.
Jaworski, Joseph (2011). Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership.
Jean Houston
Karris, Amelia Aeon (2017). Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny,
Kason, Yvonne, M.D., and Teri Degler (1994). A Farther Shore: How Near-Death and Other Extraordinary Experiences Can Change Ordinary Lives. Toronto: Harper Collins.
Lex Fridman
Linking Compassion with Coincidence, with guest Juliet Trail on Connecting with Coincidence
Lipton, Bruce H. and Steve Bhaerman (2010). Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here.
Love, Sex & the Hidden Agenda (All Episodes) with Host Aeon Karris
Lucid Awakening with guest Christine Clawley, on Mystical Underground.
MacGregor, Trish and Phyllis Vega (2013). Power Tarot: More Than 100 Spreads That Give Specific Answers to Your Most Important Question.
Mackey, Chris (2019). The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity: Enhance your mental health with the power of coincidence, Watkins, London, 2019.
Maidique M.A., (2011) Decoding intuition for more effective decision-making, Harvard Business Review
McTaggart, Lynn (2008). The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World.
Merry, Philip (2022). The Nine Keys of Synchronicity: Open the Doors to Possibilities that are All Around You, Hidden in Plain View.
MIND Foundation
Moss, Robert (2015). Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life.
Orloff, Judith. (1996). Second Sight.
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Pryce-Jones, Jessica (2011). Happiness at Work: Maximizing Your Psychological Capital for Success,
Psych Spiels (All Episodes) with Host Chris Mackey,
Redfield, James (1993). The Celestine Prophecy.
Remarkable Coincidence, a Valuable Compass? by Anne Heleen Bijl, at TEDx K.U. Leuven.
Separating the Psycho-spiritual from Psychosis, on Psych Spiels and Silver Linings.
Singer, Michael A. (2015) The Surrender Experiment.
SPIDER WOMAN SPEAKS, Audio Performance & Storytelling by Lauren Raine.
Synchronicity and Positive Mental Health with guest Chris Mackey, on Connecting with Coincidence.
Synchronicity and Psychology, on Psych Spiels and Silver Linings.
Synchronicity in Your Love Life with guest Amelia Aeon Karris, on Connecting with Coincidence.
Synchronicity with guest Bernard Beitman, Ep. 1687, on Fade to Black.
Synchronistic Experiences and Spiritual Crises by Chris Mackey
Targ, Russell and Jane Katra (2010). Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing.
Tarnas, Richard (2006). Cosmos & Psyche: Intimations of a New World View.
The Greater Good Science Center
The Mystical Underground (All Episodes) with hosts Rob and Trish MacGregor
The Shadow Side of Synchronicity & Your Soul Mission, on Love, Sex & the Hidden Agenda.
The Study of Coincidence, Mindfulness & Meditation, with guest Juliet Trail on Passing Coincidence,
Threads of the Spider Woman, on Blog of Lauren Raine, MFA
Using Your Intuition, by Jessica Pryce-Jones on
Weil, Andrew (2011). Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body’s Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself.
What Are The Odds & What’s In It For Me on Hidden Brain.
Wilhelm, Richard (2011). The I Ching or Book of Changes, Foreword by Carl Jung.
Zylstra, M. (2014). Exploring meaningful nature experience, connectedness with nature and the revitalization of transformative education for sustainability. Thesis for: PhD.
Zylstra, M. (2018). Meaningful nature experiences: Pathways for deepening connections between people and place. Book Chapter in: Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Nature in Protected Areas: Governance, Management and Policy (pp40-57). Routledge
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