The Magic, Art & Healing of Synchronicity @Coincidence Cafe, August 2023
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In the August 19 session of this monthly series (11:00 am–12:30 pm Eastern Time US), we’ll explore synchronicity as a tool for imagination and creativity, capable of offering everyday magic to help us realize our dreams and heal our lives. Our session co-hosts Jenna LaMere and Justin Blue will discuss how meaningful coincidences can help us to manifest our dreams and visions in ways that not only benefit ourselves but also help others and the planet. They will both share more about how synchronicity has been a personal force for healing and creativity, inspiring their art and life’s work. Attendees will have opportunities in small groups to share their own experiences, stories and reflections as well.
Jenna, aka *)enna LaMere, is an Inspiration Artist, Intuitive Alignment Coach and Content Creator behind the viral TikTok series “Synchronicity Fairy,” with 144,000+ followers and 1.3+ million likes (learn more about *)enna).
Justin, aka J.M. Blue, is an Artist, Musician and Qigong Instructor. He is transforming a path of illness and dysfunction into one of inspiration and resolve, and his journey of healing emphasizes creative expression as a way of life and encourages us to stay true to our heart in trying times (learn more about J.M. Blue).
This series is moderated by Juliet Trail, Executive Director of The Coincidence Project (more about Juliet).
The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). At Coincidence Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity with new hosts each month. We make time during each session to share our own stories together in small groups, inspired by the topic that month. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Register now for the Coincidence Cafe Monthly Series: