Coincidence Cafe, September 2023: Signs, Symbols and Patterns of Synchronicity

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Repeated patterns can be a wonderful window into meaningful coincidences, helping us answer a question, resolve a dilemma, or move forward in our lives. Signs and symbols are all around us. Our hosts will share stories of how signs and symbols yielded meaningful patterns, and how they use synchronicity to navigate their lives and to teach others. Attendees will have opportunities in small groups to share their own experiences, stories and reflections.
Our co-hosts this month are Sue Kientz (author of More Plutos) and Aeon Karris (author of Synchronicity: Unlock Your Divine Destiny).
Sue Kientz is a technical writer, astrologer, and the author of More Plutos. She specializes in the largest dwarf planets — Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, and others — and their impact on astrology.
Aeon Karris, author of Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny, works with truth-seekers to ground their unique gifts and find their calling.
This series is moderated by Juliet Trail, Executive Director of The Coincidence Project.
The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). At Coincidence Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity with new hosts each month. We make time during each session to share our own stories together in small groups, inspired by the topic that month. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
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