Synchronicity in our Highs and Lows @Coincidence Cafe, Oct. 2023

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In this session of our monthly series, we’ll explore how meaningful coincidences can arise during both high points and low points of our life. They can provide inspiration, opportunities for change, and ways to navigate through our lives. Our co-hosts Juliet Trail and Jean Carlo Tavarez will share some of their own experiences, and participants will have opportunities to share their own stories and reflections in small groups during the session.
About Our Hosts:
Juliet Trail, PhD is a High Frequency Coincider, experiencing many meaningful coincidences throughout her life, and seeking in her work to empower others in their growth towards wholeness, wellbeing, compassion and respect for the interconnectedness of all life on earth. She is Executive Directors of The Coincidience Project, Founding Director of Courageous Compassion Connection and Executive Committee Chair of C-HEARTS (the Contemplative Higher Education Alliance for Research, Teaching and Service). (More about Juliet.)
Jean Carlo Tavarez was born and raised in Santiago, Dominican Republic. He is a Global Water Ambassador, embodiment coach, multidimensional entrepreneur, ordained minister, performer and artist. He has spoken and performed in the most important stages in Los Angeles, California for thousands of people with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. He lives in California with his partner Devon, and their 4 foster children: Olivia (16), Damon (12), Tina (9), and Noah (8), very soon to be adopted, along with 6 dogs and 1 cat.
The Coincidence Project hosts Coincidence Cafe online via Zoom each month, on the third Saturday, from 11am-12:30 pm Eastern Time (US). At Coincidence Cafe, we explore topics relating to meaningful coincidence, synchronicity and serendipity, with new hosts each month. We make time during each session to share our own stories together in small groups, inspired by the topic that month. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Register now for the Coincidence Cafe Monthly Series: