Manifesting Clients: You Think of a Person You’d Love to Work With, Just As They Call

Katrin Windsor

I’m heading home from visiting my favorite chemistry student, son Daniel, in Durango. My heart is wide open, I’m deeply happy, driving through gorgeous mountains with glorious vistas. I’m listening to an audio book, The Prosperous Coach, about getting more coaching clients. Just as I’m climbing a mountain pass, the author asks “WHO would you LOVE to work with? What kind of client would you be REALLY excited to work with”? I didn’t have to think. I immediately say out loud “Doug”, who is a cool, successful CEO of a global, publicly traded company that he built from scratch, doing really interesting work. I reach the top of the pass, and cruise down the other side. As I come back into having cell reception, the phone rings “Hi, It’s Doug, could I hire you as my coach”. Jaw drop.

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