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My heart still flutters!
In August 2023, I was talking to my husband extensively about a dear friend/roommate (I’ll call her “N”) from Japan whom I hadn’t seen since Bill Clinton vacated the White House. I was thinking about her, hoping her life had turned out well since she left for Japan to marry a man she never met through a prearranged marriage. N did not want to go back to Japan, but it was her duty to honor her family. We were both scared for her and where her future may lead.
In September 2023, I received a “Friend Request” and it was N! I could not believe it!!! I sprinted in place, yelled with tears blinding me. N said she joined Facebook to find me! From Japan!
After all these years, I thought she disappeared, but I never stopped thinking about her. To make my heart beat even faster, she did find true love within her prearranged marriage. What more could a girl ask for? My husband didn’t seem nearly as blown away as I was, especially since I talked so much about her to him for the first time in August. I received the “what’s the big deal?” look from him and my dogs.
Coincidences freak me out in a good way and occur quite frequently. The fact that these unordinary, non-scheduled occurrences present themselves to me and I recognize them makes me feel like I’m getting life’s little happy shocks.
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