Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash
I have many coincidences. This particular one is unique.
When I was a little girl, we lived in Russia for two years. When we came back, I was six years old. The year was 1980, and my father was a Turkish air force attaché. When he retired at a rather early age, we moved to our hometown by the coast of Turkey. I was about 15, having extra math lessons in the summer at a friend’s house.
While studying, I heard someone calling “Taliha” (a name I recognized). I stopped the lesson and kept paying attention, then asked about the next-door neighbors. Apparently, the man was a Turkish ambassador in Russia. I went home and told my mother that I think one of our dear helpers from back in Russia might just be here.
My mum, sister, and I knocked on their door. My mother asked if it was possible “Taliha” was the same Taliha we had known but had had not contact with for 11 years. And there she was: Taliha!
We hugged, crying happy tears. Still today, I don’t know why. I never saw her again, but that was one happy day, thanks to my intuition and ability to hear the signs.
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