Photo by Erik Andersson on Unsplash

Sister’s Husband in the Back Seat

Edward Crosser

My youngest sister’s husband checked into hospital with a relatively minor problem and wound up dying there, totally unexpectedly.

A couple of years later, my sister was traveling with one of her friends. Experiencing some knee pain, she asked her friend to stop so she could get into the back seat where she could stretch her legs out across the seat. She dozed off there.

Upon awakening, she raised her head and looked around. In the seat beside her, with her legs in his lap, sat her deceased husband. While she heard nothing verbally, my sister understood he wanted her to go to the doctor’s office for a chest x-ray.

She did and discovered she had lung cancer. Up to that point, she had been totally asymptomatic. After several years living with that condition, she passed away.

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