The link here will take you to a short story describing synchronicity events I pursued over years to arrive at something I call “pyramid art”–what I claim is the first-ever discovery in fine art. I say first because I can’t think of another, and it also reveals something no other art can. The story provides evidence for my personal awakening to a timeless dimension whose only possible source–the quantum field–is both imperceptible and 99.99% of reality by volume. Physics states that the universe is a quantum phenomenon. Quantum consciousness has only recently been proposed as a means by which to explain the true nature of Mind. Quantum entanglement reveals a timeless, fifth dimension beyond space-time. My pursuit of synchronicity as an observation technique shows that anyone can tune in to the fifth dimension by picking up the thread of nature’s hive mind, questioning, and following synchronicity as feedback. It can transform our notion of beauty and maybe even save humanity and the planet.
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