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That Scary Night

Shamnas p p

That night felt like a brush with death, and I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or something more.

I am a 26-year-old guy who used to spend a lot of time on mobile gaming and on social media. When I was 20, I played games late into the night, around 1:00am, and woke up at 11:00am. That was my lazy phase.

On that night, which I remember vividly even six years later, I went to bed early around 11:00pm. My room is separate from the inner part of my house, like an office, and it’s quite small. Suddenly, I woke up and checked my phone; it was 12:30am. In the dark, I noticed something in the corner of my room. As I focused on it, my body became paralyzed. I couldn’t move at all, except my eyes.

I was confused, unsure if I was dreaming. From the corner, a black-shaded figure approached me. It was a lady with long hair and a dark but not scary face. She sat beside me, touched my head, and said, “You are a good guy, but you have made many mistakes in your life. Nowadays, you’re out of control, and you don’t have much time left. You need to live properly and be a good person.”

My eyes filled with tears, flowing like a river onto my pillow. The figure disappeared, and I was able to move again. I touched my body and pillow to confirm if it was real. To my surprise, my pillow was soaked with tears.

I was too scared to touch my phone or get out of bed. It was a sleepless night, and I closed my eyes tightly, covered my face with a blanket, and cried about my past mistakes. Eventually, I fell asleep.

The next day, I explained the incident to my mother. She told me to stay inside that night and not worry; she suggested it might have been a reminder from God to be a better person. All day, my eyes searched for the figure I had seen, and I am still searching.

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