Photo: Jeremy Perkins for Unsplash
I attended the Launch for The Coincidence Project last week. It inspired me to recall and write down the profound coincidences I experienced over many years.
But the most ironic coincidence I’ve had so far are the four “coincidences and serendipities” I’ve experienced during this past week. I’m not certain if this sequence will continue – but I’m pretty sure the Launch and discussions opened my consciousness to receive them.
We invite you to join our global community by sharing your own story of a meaningful coincidence. It could be wondrous, funny, curious, unexplained, deeply profound, or anything in between! If you have more than one story to share, please create a separate story entry for each. Each story is limited to a maximum of 300 words.
See more stories from around the globe of meaningful coincidences, synchronicity and serendipity!