Photo by Robert Schwarz on Unsplash
This is a synchronicity story that occurred during a big transition in my life. I was in the process of changing jobs after three years of searching for a new position. I had been frustrated but finally found the right job.
At this time, I had a lot of synchronicities and had started reading a book about synchronicity by Elisabeth Mardoff, a German author of the book of Das Kein Zufall Sein (That Can’t Be a Coincidence). She wrote that when experiencing big life transitions, she sees green scarab beetles, just like in the famous story of C.G. Jung.
Because I couldn’t quite believe in synchronicity, I said to myself, “If I see a scarab beetle, I will believe. ”
One week later, I was sitting on the terrace with my husband and my neighbor (a psychologist). My husband said to me, “What’s that crawling your way?’’ Well, it was a green scarab beetle, the same as in the story of C.G. Jung.
It’s been five years, and I haven’t seen a scarab beetle since then. It changed me and made me a believer.
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