Applying the 9 Keys of Synchronicity – It Worked for Me in Real Time!

Katrin Windsor

In early January 2023, I was reading Philip Merry‘s fantastic book, The 9 Keys of Synchronicity. Specifically, as I read Key #4 on Awe, he mentions the science of awe that has come out from UC Berkley.

Reading that, I thought to myself, “Oh, I loved that workshop I did in 2015 with the guys from UC Berkley on The Science of Awe at the Wisdom2.0 conference in San Francisco. Too bad the Pandemic put a pause on that conference, it was always my favorite conference.”

Then, I closed Philip’s book, walked into the kitchen, and picked up my phone and… THIS IS THE FIRST picture I saw (see photo). My jaw dropped and I had a strong sense that I should sign up right away. I remembered that another of Philip’s keys is to “Act on Intuition.” But, I hesitated, thinking I need another sign to confirm that I should go to this conference.

I checked the time and saw that it was 5:55 am, a power number. So, I signed up right away.

I’ll be there if anyone else from the TCP community wants to meet up at Wisdom2.0 April 27-29, 2023 in San Francisco!

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