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I was shopping online for work shoes. It was my first job post-pandemic that I had to go into the office regularly, so I needed to purchase multiple pairs.
I found some green platform boots I loved, but I toggled away from the page and could no longer find the pair I was seeking. I searched for a while for those shoes and double-checked my cart, but they were nowhere to be found. This was a discount retailer, and I figured that the last pair of those boots had been sold.
Ultimately, I found a pair of red boots that were somewhat similar, and I purchased those along with the rest of my shoes in my cart. Over a week later, a shipment arrived from the retailer, and I figured it was the boots I purchased. But it was only the pair of green boots!
Then days later, the boots I purchased did arrive. I checked my receipt and my order confirmation, and the green boots are nowhere on there. I searched my email and any purchase history from the retailer, and there is no record of me purchasing the green boots. But they still came to my address.
I wear those boots often and get lots of compliments on them. I forgot about the miraculous way they arrived, but now I’ll think of how they were destined for me as I wear them.
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