Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money from the Universe

Val Davis

In 2007, my wife and I, along with our five kids, were renting a house. We had recently filed for bankruptcy, and the dream of owning a home felt impossibly far away.

One day, by chance, my wife met a realtor who encouraged us to apply for a home loan. To our amazement, we were approved. We found a house within our budget, but it required a $6,000 down payment—a sum that seemed as unattainable as $100,000 given our situation. With no way to raise the money, I left it up to the universe.

That same night, when I had all but given up, I received an unexpected phone call. The caller explained that he felt “moved” to reach out. He was religious and believed he was acting on divine inspiration.

Years earlier, a close friend had passed away, leaving me as his only family contact. I’d inherited his website and domain names, including one called The caller asked if I still owned it. I confirmed that I did, though I had never listed it for sale or thought it was valuable.

As it turned out, the caller owned a heating and air conditioning company called Airwaves HVAC and wanted the domain for his business. To my astonishment, he offered $6,000—the exact amount we needed for the down payment.

Within days, the deal was finalized, and we were able to purchase our home. It was a shocking and humbling reminder of how the universe can work in mysterious ways.

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